Drag And Zip version 2.0 Zip Utilities for Windows 3.1 File Manager What is Drag And Zip? Drag And Zip is a set of utilities that makes Windows 3.1 file manager into a file manager for Zip files. Drag And Zip makes it very easy to run PKZIP and compress groups of files from any Windows file manager that supports "Drag and Drop". To make a Zip file with Drag And Zip you merely "drag" files from the file manager and "drop" them on the Drag And Zip icon, fill out a dialog box with the Zip filename and destination directory, and Drag And Zip will run PKZIP on them automatically. Viewing the contents of a Zip file is as easy as double clicking on the file listing in file manager. The Drag And Zip Zip file viewer, Zip View, will automatically be loaded and will you show you the contents of the Zip file. You can tag any group of files in Zip View for extraction or deletion. You can view any file with Zip View's built in file viewer or the file viewer of your choice. You can temporarily extract any file from the Zip file and run it if it is a program, or run the program associated w ith it. If you make modifications to the extracted file, you will also have the opportunity to replace the older file currently in the Zip file with the modified one. New to version 2.0 is the option to run ZIP2EXE on a Zip file and make it into a self-extraction EXE file. Also part of the Drag And Zip utilities is Fileman Launcher. You can use this program to run Windows file manager and Drag And Zip together. When you exit File Manager, Drag And Zip will automatically be closed at the same time. If you have other utilities that you like to run with File Manager, you can also add them to Fileman Launcher and they will be run also. When you exit File Manager, Fileman Launcher will attempt to close those programs, too. Along with Drag And Zip you need to be running Windows 3.1 or better and have your own copies of PKZIP and PKUNZIP. You also need a copy of ZIP2EXE.EXE if you want to make self-extracting Zip files. The Drag And Zip Zip viewer can be used to show you the contents of a Zip file, but if you want to extract any files you will need your own copy of PKUNZIP. File Listing A complete copy of the Drag And Zip utilities should include the following files: DRAGNZIP.EXE - The Drag And Zip program ZIPVIEW.EXE - The Zip file viewing Program FMLAUNCH.EXE - The Fileman Launcher program DZSETUP.EXE - Setup program for Drag And Zip DOSBOX.DLL - Module for running PKZIP in a DOS window DRAGNZIP.WRI - Documentation for Drag And Zip in Windows Write format DRAGNZIP.TXT - Documentation for Drag And Zip in ASCII format REGFORM.WRI - Registration form for Drag And Zip in Windows Write format REGFORM.TXT - Registration form for Drag And Zip in ASCII format DZSITEL.WRI - Site license information DZ.PIF - PIF file for running PKZIP in a window DZ1.PIF - PIF file for running PKZIP in the background ZV.PIF - PIF file for running PKUNZIP in a window ZV.PIF - PIF file for running PKUNZIP in the background SFX.PIF - PIF for running ZIP2EXE Installing Drag And Zip Installation of Drag And Zip and Zip View is very easy with the setup program provided. From Program Manager, choose "File" from the menu bar and then choose "Run" from the pull down menu. In the dialog box type the full path where the files are, and the program name DZSETUP.EXE. For example, if you were installing from drive A:, you would enter "A:\DZSETUP.EXE". If you were installing from the "DZ" directory of drive C:, you would enter "C:\DZ\DZSETUP.EXE". The DZSetup program will ask you what drive and directory you are installing Drag And Zip from, and what drive and directory you would like to install them to. If the source path is different from the destination path, all files will be copied over to the new path. If they are the same, the installation program will assume that you only want to make modifications to a currently installed version of Drag And Zip. The DZSetup program will then ask you where your copies of PKZIP.EXE and PKUNZIP.EXE are. DZ Setup will look in the directory that you entered for PKZIP and see if there is a copy of ZIP2EXE.EXE there. This is the program that PKWARE provides for making self-extracting Zip files. If a copy of ZIP2EXE is found, Drag And Zip will add a button to the Zip file viewer allowing you to make the Zip file into a self-extracting one. DZSetup will then ask you for permission to add a line to the "extensions" section of your "WIN.INI" file so Windows file manager will know to run Zip View when you double cl ick on a Zip file. If you choose not to have "WIN.INI" modified, you can still run Zip View from its Icon in Program Manager and use Zip View's "File" menu to load Zip files. The DZSetup program will then create a program group called Drag And Zip and put the Drag And Zip, Zip View and Fileman Launcher icons in it. DZSetup will then give you the opportunity to have Drag And Zip load automatically when you start Windows. That way its icon will always be at the bottom of your screen when you need it. If you don't choose this option you can use Fileman Launcher to run File Manager and Drag And Zip together. When you exit File Manager, Drag And Zip will exit too. You can also ch oose to run Drag And Zip from its icon in Program Manager. Using Drag And Zip When you run Drag And Zip, it will load and show its zipper icon at the bottom left of your screen. Drag And Zip must be running for you to use it. It will not work if you try to drag files to its icon in Program Manager. If you are constantly covering the Drag And Zip icon with other applications and then can't find it when you need it, you can choose to make the Drag And Zip icon visible all the time. To do this, first load Drag And Zip. Then, click on its icon and bring up the menu. Click on the la st selection in the menu, "Always Visible". That will cause the Drag And Zip icon to show through anything that is trying to cover it. You can turn that option off the same way. Click on the Drag And Zip icon and bring up the menu. You will notice that there is now a check before the choice "Always Visible". Click again on "Always Visible" and Drag And Zip will stop peeking through applications that are covering it. The state of the Always Visi ble option will be saved when you exit Drag And Zip and w ill become active the next time you run Drag And Zip. The Drag And Zip icon will remember its last placement, so if you would rather have it in another place other than the bottom left of your screen, move the icon there; then each time you run Drag And Zip it will go to the place where you last left it. When you want to create a Zip file, run File Manager or any file manager that supports Drag and Drop, and tag the files that you want to Zip. Then hold the mouse down on one of the tagged files. The mouse cursor will become a white rectangle with a "+" on it. Move the mouse without taking your finger off the left button to the Drag And Zip icon. While you are moving the mouse, the cursor will become a circle with a slash through it. When the cursor is over the Drag And Zip icon, it will once more beco me a white rectangle with a "+" on it. Let go of the mouse button. The Drag And Zip dialog box will pop up asking you for a name for the Zip file that you want to create. You will also have the opportunity to add additional command line arguments and specify a directory where you want the Zip file to be created. When you choose "OK", Drag And Zip will run PKZIP and create the Zip file. If you are running Windows 3.1 in enhanced mode, PKZIP will be run in a window. If you are running in standard mode, PKZIP will be run as a DOS application i n full screen. To simply compress the files with PKZIP, you will not have to enter anything on the Arguments line. If you do want to specify special command line arguments, you can click on the "Args" button to pop up a dialog box with a listing of arguments. If you specify an output directory that doesn't exist, Drag And Zip will let you know, and give you the option to create the directory before running PKZIP. The window that PKZIP is running in will stay open until you press a key or click the mouse on the OK button, so you will be able to see any messages output by PKZIP. If you're working with the file manager from Windows, the file manager screen will be updated to reflect any changes to the file listing. Dragging and Dropping Directories With Drag And Zip, you can drag and drop sub directories just like files. In the Windows file manager, you can only drag directories if you have them listed along with files on the right hand side of the file manager. When a directory is dragged, it will be presented to PKZIP as DIRNAME\*.*. If you want PKZIP to also Zip any sub directories in the dragged directory, you can use the arguments "-r" and "-p". "-r" will recurse the sub directories and "-p" will store the path names in the Zip file. Norton Desktop for Windows allows you do drag whole directory branches from the directory tree. If you are dragging a whole directory branch with sub directories in Norton Desktop, you should not use the "-r" argument because that would make the directories get Zipped twice. Using Zip View: the Drag And Zip Zip file viewer The easiest way to use Zip View is to double click on a ZIP file in Windows 3.1 File Manager or any file manager that supports Drag and Drop. If you've let the setup program put an association line in your WIN.INI or if you've put one in yourself, Zip View will be run and will show a file listing of the contents of the Zip File in a window. The listing will have the file name, the size in bytes, the date and time of the file, the compression method used; and if there is a stored directory name, Zip View w ill show that also. You don't have to close the Zip View window to view another Zip file. Just double click on another Zip file and Zip view will show it. There are five or six buttons across the top of the screen. You can click the mouse on them or use the Alt key and the underlined letter on the button. Clicking on a file will move the highlight bar to that file. You can then tag the file so Zip View will know that you want to unZip it. You can tag any in one of three ways: 1. Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the file with the left mouse button. 2. Click on the file with the right mouse button. 3. First, highlight the file and then press the space bar. 4. First, highlight the file and press the left arrow key. You can untag the file by doing the same procedure on a tagged file. A tagged file will have a red arrow at the front of its listing. Like File Manager, Zip View lets you tag a group of files by holding down the Shift key and clicking on a file. You can also tag and untag files with the Right and Left Arrow keys respectively. Use the Ctrl key with the arrow keys to tag and untag all the files. Double clicking on a file will extract it and run it if it is a "COM", or "EXE" file, or run the program that you have associated with the file if it is a data file. For example, if you clicked on CHESS.BMP, Zip View would extract CHESS.BMP from the parent Zip file and then check which program you have associated with it. Most likely you have Windows Paintbrush as the associated program. In this case, Zip View will run the Paintbrush with CHESS.BMP as an argument. When you close the associated program, Zip View will delete the file. Before deleting the file, Zip View will check if it has been modified. If it has been modified, you can have Zip View replace the older version of the file in the Zip file with the newer modified one. Simply click on OK when Zip View asks you if you want to put the modified file back into the Zip file. View The first button is "View". Clicking on this or pressing "Alt-V" will have Zip View extract the file from the Zip File and load up a file viewer so you can see the contents of the file. Unlike previous versions of Zip View, this version has its own built in file viewer which can accept files of unlimited length. If you would rather use another viewer, add the statement "viewer=" under the "ZipView" heading in the DZ.INI file found in your Drag And Zip directory. When you close the viewer, the file you are viewing will be deleted. If you want the file extracted permanently, you must choose the extract button from the button bar. Delete You can delete any file or group of tagged files from the Zip file by clicking on the "Delete" button or pressing "Alt-D". Zip View accomplishes this by running PKZIP with the "-d" option. Run Clicking on "Run" or pressing "Alt-R" will extract any "EXE" or "COM" file from the Zip file and run it. Path/CRC You can toggle the display to show either the path or the CRC number for each file in the Zip file by clicking on the "Path/CRC" button. Extract To extract (unzip) files from a Zip file, choose the "Extract" button from the button bar. A dialog box will pop up in which you can enter the Zip filename, any special command line arguments and a specific output directory. In the Extract Dialog box there are three radio buttons that give you the choice of extracting all the files, just the tagged files, or just the highlighted file. To simply extract files with PKUNZIP, you will not have to enter anything on the Arguments line. If you do want to spe cify special command line arguments, you can click on the "Args" button to pop up a dialog box with a listing of arguments. If you've entered an output directory that does not exist, Zip View will pop up a dialog box informing you of such, and will give you the opportunity to create the directory. The window that PKUNZIP is running in will stay open until you press a key or click on the OK button, so you will be able to see any messages output by PKUNZIP. Make Exe If the DZSetup program was able to find a copy of ZIP2EXE.EXE in your PKZIP directory, you will have an additional button on the button bar entitled "Make EXE". If you click on this button or press "Alt-E", Zip View will run your copy of ZIP2EXE and make a self-extracting executable (EXE) file from your Zip file. Zip View will present you with a dialog box where you can enter an output directory and a check box where you can specify if you want the resulting EXE file to be a "mini PKSFX". A mini PKSFX ha s a smaller header than a regular EXE file made with ZIP2EXE, and is therefore smaller. To make a mini PKSFX file, Zip View runs ZIP2EXE with the "-j" option. Change Fonts Clicking on Fonts will bring up a standard Win 3.1 font dialog box from which you can change the default font in Zip View. Sort A new menu option has been added to this version of Zip View. That menu option is "Sort". From this menu, you can have the Zip file listing sorted by filename, extension, date and time, size or unsorted. The default is unsorted. Whatever sort option that you choose will remain active for only that session of Zip View. You can choose to make the sort option permanent by choosing the sort that you want, and then choosing "Save" from the Sort menu. Using Zip View Without File Manager Zip View can also be run alone instead of from Windows File Manager. You can use the "File\Load" menu option to choose a Zip file to view. You can also drag files to Zip View and Zip View will show them. You can easily view self-extracting Zip files this way. Using Fileman Launcher You can have Drag And Zip run automatically when you run File Manager by running them both with Fileman Launcher. Double clicking on the Fileman Launcher icon will run File Manager and then run Drag And Zip. When you exit File Manager, you will automatically exit Drag And Zip also. Fileman Launcher comes with its own configuration file called FMLAUNCH.INI. In it you can specify other programs to be run with File Manager. In FMLAUNCH.INI the first entry you will see is prog0=c:\dz\dragnzip.exe except th e path for Drag And Zip will be the one you specified when you ran DZSetup. You can add up to nine additional programs for Fileman Launcher to run by listing them on separate line in FMLAUNCH.INI. The second program will be listed as "prog1=", the third as prog2=, up to prog9. When you exit File Manager, Fileman Launcher will try to exit all of the programs you specified. Whether Fileman Launcher can successfully close the program depends on the way the program responds to Fileman Launcher's exit request. Getting Help If you have questions or problems with Drag And Zip, Zip View or Fileman Launcher, help is free for all registered users. I can be reached at (415) 453-9779; on CompuServe my ID is 71320,1277; or you can write to me: Dan Baumbach Canyon Software 1527 Fourth St., Suite 131 San Rafael, CA 94901 The program author, Dan Baumbach, is an active member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Mu skegon, MI 49442, or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.